Our Missions
We desire to see the gospel advanced throughout the city, our nation and the world. To do this means getting involved and giving of our time and talents including our financial blessings.
The Birhor Tola, are an isolated, subgroup of the Birhor peoples of India. They are Hindu/traditionalists who are separated from other Birhors by of language and geography. They live in remote jungles of the state of Bihar, and have little to no contact with outside peoples. Though the larger Birhor population has Christians believers, the Birhor Tola have none, and they are considered unreached. Until last year were unengaged as well.
Grace Fellowship has partnered with World Mission to take the gospel to this lost people. Since the Birhor Tola are illiterate we have helped send them a field-tested, solid-state digital audio Bible called the Treasure. The Treasure fits in the palm of your hand and has a built in solar panel with rechargeable batteries. In addition to taking the Treasure to the Birhor Tola, we have been able to give the group blankets to help them during this cold winter. Other efforts include providing blankets for the village during the winter months. Yes, it gets cold in India and blankets are a great way to share our care and concern with this people group. In the future we plan on providing them with fresh water by sending a team to drill for them their very own well.
We are excited that through our efforts, Indian missionaries have been able to gain the trust of the Birhor Tola and are now delivering the word of God to them. We look forward with great anticipation to welcoming new believers among this people into the kingdom of God!
Contact Jerry for more information.
Grace Fellowship has partnered with World Mission to take the gospel to this lost people. Since the Birhor Tola are illiterate we have helped send them a field-tested, solid-state digital audio Bible called the Treasure. The Treasure fits in the palm of your hand and has a built in solar panel with rechargeable batteries. In addition to taking the Treasure to the Birhor Tola, we have been able to give the group blankets to help them during this cold winter. Other efforts include providing blankets for the village during the winter months. Yes, it gets cold in India and blankets are a great way to share our care and concern with this people group. In the future we plan on providing them with fresh water by sending a team to drill for them their very own well.
We are excited that through our efforts, Indian missionaries have been able to gain the trust of the Birhor Tola and are now delivering the word of God to them. We look forward with great anticipation to welcoming new believers among this people into the kingdom of God!
Contact Jerry for more information.
Each month a group of individuals from Grace Fellowship gives of their time to help serve meals to the hungry. Our volunteers come from all backgrounds, occupations, and are of all ages. It doesn’t matter if you are a student, housewife, professional or retired… the only requirements are that you want to enjoy that special feeling that comes with reaching out and helping someone else.
The Soup Kitchen serves the poor who suffer from the lack of basic human needs: material needs, such as food, clothing, and household necessities; psychological needs, such as motivation, self-esteem, and rehabilitation; and social needs, such as support systems and meaningful relationships.
Contact Doug for more information.
The Soup Kitchen serves the poor who suffer from the lack of basic human needs: material needs, such as food, clothing, and household necessities; psychological needs, such as motivation, self-esteem, and rehabilitation; and social needs, such as support systems and meaningful relationships.
Contact Doug for more information.
“Agape” is a Greek word that means “unconditional love”. At Agape Pregnancy Resource Center, women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy will experience this kind of love in a caring, safe environment. Grace Fellowship women volunteers donate their time to counsel and comfort other women. Training is provided and hours are very flexible.
Contact Jo for more information.
Contact Jo for more information.
The reality is that it takes financial support to be able to send a missionary to a lost people. Grace Fellowship takes up two special offerings each year to support missionaries based in North American and countries throughout the world.
Yes, we have missionaries in North America! You would not think it necessary with a church on almost every corner. But with so many false religions in America, we need missionaries here too in order to reach out to people who are isolated to share the Gospel with them. People are isolated for various reasons, such as: physical limitations, language barriers and fears of being in a new country. Our North American missionaries reach these people with the Good News of Christ’s love.
Our international missionaries reach lost people in various continents around the world. Many of these missionaries have families in the field with them. By sharing our financial blessings with these missionaries it allows them to remain in these countries thereby becoming a part of the culture and community they are reaching with the Gospel.
Yes, we have missionaries in North America! You would not think it necessary with a church on almost every corner. But with so many false religions in America, we need missionaries here too in order to reach out to people who are isolated to share the Gospel with them. People are isolated for various reasons, such as: physical limitations, language barriers and fears of being in a new country. Our North American missionaries reach these people with the Good News of Christ’s love.
Our international missionaries reach lost people in various continents around the world. Many of these missionaries have families in the field with them. By sharing our financial blessings with these missionaries it allows them to remain in these countries thereby becoming a part of the culture and community they are reaching with the Gospel.
Each year Grace Fellowship participates in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. This ministry provides local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Samaritan’s Purse ships these simple gifts outside the United States to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster, famine, and disease.