Children's Ministry

Discovering God Together

Nursery & Toddler

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14 

Every Sunday morning, our dedicated and loving nursery workers care for infants and preschool children during Bible study and morning worship, while teaching them all about God’s love for them. Not only does this help your children grow-up in God’s Word, it also allows you as parents time to focus on your own spiritual growth by attending a Bible study class and Worship service. You are welcome to drop in anytime and check on your kids throughout the morning. We understand how hard it is to be away from them sometimes!

Nursery and Toddler schedule:

Sundays from 10:15am – 11:30am


Pre-K – 5th Grade

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." - Proverbs 22:6 

We love children here at Grace Fellowship! The children’s ministry at Grace Fellowship is designed to show kids how to know, love, and follow after God – and have fun doing it! Our programs are a great, safe, and encouraging way for your children to grow up knowing Jesus Christ and to practice loving others as God has loved us

Children’s Church Schedule

Sundays at 10:30am – 11:30am during worship for kids ages Pre-K - 5th grade.

J.A.M. Class: Pre-K - 2nd Grad

B.L.A.S.T. Class: 3rd - 5th Grade

Parents, please sign in your kids at the check-in booth on the way to their classroom. If you have any questions call Lynn Tannehill at 254.541.5832 or contact below to send an email

Vacation Bible School

"Hometown Nazareth

Where Jesus Was a Kid"

June 3, 4, & 5, 2024 at 9:00am-12:00pm

Grace Fellowship Church in Lago Vista

AGE: Just completed Kindergarten through 4th Grade. 5th graders can register as helpers. Please register below.

Register at

In addition to the weekly programs listed above, Grace Fellowship offers VBS during the summer.

The dates for each year’s camp are published in late Spring. Contact Lynn for more information


Want to get involved?


  • How can I volunteer?

    Grace Fellowship requires many volunteers to staff the numerous programs and activities. God has gifted Christians for service and at Grace Fellowship we love to see our members getting involved. Get in touch when you are ready, we have plenty of ways you can help serve. 

    • Kitchen and Social Team
    • Building and Grounds Maintenance Team
    • Missions Team
    • Children’s Ministry
    • Youth Ministry
    • Women’s Ministry
    • Men’s Ministry
    • Greeters
    • Bereavement
    • Faith Counselors
    • Worship Team
    • Media and Technology
    • Ushers
  • Can I bring friends to volunteer with me?

    We welcome anyone willing to turn the Gospel's teachings into action. We love meeting new people!

  • Where do you volunteer?

    We work throughout the community. You can find out more on our Church Calendar or Social Media pages. If you have any questions, please contact us.


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